Menemukan data2 ini, waktu cari cara belajar steno :
Sebenarnya bukan tulisannya jelek, tapi untuk resep-resep tertentu dari golongan obat tertentu memang sangat disarankan untuk ditulis dengan steno mengingat bisa saja resep itu disalahgunakan. walaupun sebenarnya itu nggak menjadi keharusan. Sama halnya dengan penggunaan istilah latin, itu juga bukan keharusan tapi sangat disarankan untuk menyeragamkan bahasa aja.
Nih gw tambahin istilah-istilah yang dipakai dalam penulisan resep. In alphabetical order
a.c. = ante cibum / cibos =sebelum makan
a.d / AD = aurio dexter =telinga kanan
a.l. =aurio laeva =telinga kiri
a.s. / AS = auris sinister =telinga kiri
a.u. / AU =auris utro =kedua telinga
aa =ana =tiap-tiap
ad =ad =hingga /sampai
ad. Lib. =ad libitum =digunakan sesuai keinginan (bebas)
alt. die. =alternus die =setiap lain hari
alt. h. =alternus hora =setiap lain jam
amp. =ampule =1 dosis unit
aq =aqua =air
b.d. =bis die = 2x sehari
b.i.d. =bis in die = 2x sehari
b.i.n. =bis in noctus =2x semalam
bis bis =dua kali
bol. = bolus = sebanyak dosis tunggal
cap =capsula =kapsul
cc cum = cibos = dengan makanan
cc cubic centimetres =sentimeter kubik
comp.= comsitus =diloleskan
d =dies =hari
d.t.d = dentur tales doses = berikan sesuai dosis
dieb. alt. =diebus alternis =setiap lain hari
div. =divide =dibagi
emp. ex = modo prescripto =sesuai petunjuk
emul. =emulsum =cairan pengemulsi
eq. pts. =equalis partis =bagian yang sama
ex aq =ex aqua =dalam air
fl. ,fld. =fluida =cairan
g =gram =gram
gr =grain =grain (1 gram=15 grain)
grad. =gradatim =berangsur-angsur
gtt. =gutta =diteteskan
h. , hr. =hora =jam
h.s. =hora somni =waktu tidur
i, ii, iii, or iiii doses =jumlah dosis
I.D. =intra dermal =disuntikkan di bawah kulit
I.M. =intra muscularly =disuntikkan ke dalam otot
I.P =intra peritoneal =disuntikkan di bawah selaput
I.V. =intra veneously =disuntikkan ke dalam nadi
inj. =injectio =suntikan
in p. aeq. =dividiatur in partes aequales =dibagi menjadi bagian yg sama
lin =linimentum =digosok
liq =liquor =solution
lot. =lotion =pelembab
m, min. =minimum =minimal
M. =Misce =campur
mane =mane =pagi hari
mcg =microgram =mikro gram
mEq =milli equivalent =mili ekuivalen
mg =milligram =mili gram
mist. =mistura =campur
mixt. =mixtura =mixture
ml =millilitter =mili liter
nebul =nebula =semprotan
no. =numero =nomor
nocte =nocte =malam
noct. maneq. =nocte maneque =pagi dan malam hari
non rep. =non repetatur =tidak dapat diulang
npo nill per os =tidak ada yg melalui mulut
o.d / OD =oculus dexter =mata kanan
o.l. =oculus laeva =mata kiri
o.m. =omni mane =pada pagi hari
o.n. =omni nocte =pada malam hari
o.s / OS =oculus sinister =mata kiri
o.u / OU =oculo utro =setiap mata
opth =opthalmic =pada mata
os =ossa =tulang
otic =otical =pada telinga
p.c. =post cibum =setelah makan
p.o. =per os =melalui mulut
p.p.a. =phiala prius agitata =dikocok dahulu
p.r =pro rectum =melalui anus
p.r.n. =pro re nata =sesuai kebutuhan
p.v. =per vaginum =melalui kelamin wanita
per =per =melalui
pil =pilula =pil
pulv. =pulvis =bubuk
q =quaque =setiap
q._h =quaque …. hora =setiap …. jam
q.3h =quaque 3 hora =setiap 3 jam
q.a.d =quaque alternis die =setiap hari yang berbeda
q.d. / QD =quaque die =setiap hari
q.h.s =quaque hora somni =setiap menjelang tidur
q.i.d. =quarter in die =4x sehari
q.o.d. / QOD =quaque os die =setiap hari yang berbeda
qq. hh. =quaque hora =setiap jam
q.q.h. =quarter quaque hora =setiap 4 jam
q.s. =quantum sufficiat =gunakan secukupnya
qAM =quaque ante meridiem =setiap pagi
ql =quantum libet =sebanyak yang diinginkan
q.p. =quantum placeat =sebanyak yang dianjurkan
qPM =quaque post meridiem =setiap sore
qv =quantum vis =sebanyak
R/ =recipe =ambil
rep. , rept. =repetatur =dapat diulang
Rx =radix =resep
s =sine =tanpa
s.a. =secundum artum =gunakan sesuai pertimbangan
s.i.d =semel in die =sekali sehari
s.o.s. =si opus sit =segera jika dibutuhkan
SC, subc, subq,subcut =sub cutem =disuntikkan di bawah kulit
Sig. / S =signa, signetur =tulis pada label
SL =sub lingualy =di bawah lidah
sol. =solutio =larutan
ss. =semis =setengah / separuh
stat. =statim =segera
supp. =suppositorium =obat perangsang
susp. =suspentium =penyerapan
syr. =syrupus =sirup
t.d.s =ter die sumendum =3x sehari
t.i.d. =ter in die =3x sehari
t.i.w. =ter in w= 3x seminggu
tab. =tabella =tablet
tal. =talus =seperti
tbsp. =tablespoon =sendok makan (15 ml)
tr, tinc., tinct. =tincture =larutan dlm alkohol
troche =trochiscus =obat batuk
tsp. =teaspoon =sendok teh (5 ml)
u.d. / ut dict. =ut dictum =sesuai petunjuk
ung. =unguentum =obat salep
vag. =vaginum =alat kelamin wanita
Source: Bahan kuliah tempo dulu
Catatan: terjemahan bahasa indonesianya mudah-mudah akurat
Diambil / copy-paste dari INDONESIA INDONESIA DOT COM.
Selasa, 19 April 2011
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Sodium palmate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sodium palmate is used as a base ingredient in soap making and cosmetics. Sodium palmate is a core ingredient in many types of soap and is made from palm oil.
It is often combined with sodium cocoate, coconut oil sodium salt and the sodium salt of animal fat, sodium tallow. Together these three are one the major constituents of modern soap base. Base soap is the pure soap that has had no additional ingredients like color and scent added to it yet.
As base soap ingredients the hardest formulas use a mix of all three (sodium palmate, sodium cocoate, sodium tallow) in various combinations.
Palm kernelate
Sodium palm kernelate is a product of the saponification of palm kernel oil with sodium hydroxide.[1]
The process that produces sodium palmate is called saponification, during which palm oil, rendered from the coconut palm nut, is reacted with concentrated sodium hydroxide (in the form of caustic soda or lye) which triggers hydrolysis of the ester groups. This splits the ester groups in the oil into glycerol and sodium palmate salt.
Sodium palmate is permitted as a natural additive in organic products.[2]
^ US Soil Association standard 50.5.3
This page was last modified on 8 November 2010 at 08:40.
Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.
Sodium palmate is used as a base ingredient in soap making and cosmetics. Sodium palmate is a core ingredient in many types of soap and is made from palm oil.
It is often combined with sodium cocoate, coconut oil sodium salt and the sodium salt of animal fat, sodium tallow. Together these three are one the major constituents of modern soap base. Base soap is the pure soap that has had no additional ingredients like color and scent added to it yet.
As base soap ingredients the hardest formulas use a mix of all three (sodium palmate, sodium cocoate, sodium tallow) in various combinations.
Palm kernelate
Sodium palm kernelate is a product of the saponification of palm kernel oil with sodium hydroxide.[1]
The process that produces sodium palmate is called saponification, during which palm oil, rendered from the coconut palm nut, is reacted with concentrated sodium hydroxide (in the form of caustic soda or lye) which triggers hydrolysis of the ester groups. This splits the ester groups in the oil into glycerol and sodium palmate salt.
Sodium palmate is permitted as a natural additive in organic products.[2]
^ US Soil Association standard 50.5.3
This page was last modified on 8 November 2010 at 08:40.
Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.
Sabun - Medicare Classic
Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
Glycerin at WIKIPEDIA
Glycerol is an organic compound, also commonly called glycerin or glycerine. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations. Glycerol has three hydrophilic hydroxyl groups that are responsible for its solubility in water and its hygroscopic nature. The glycerol substructure is a central component of many lipids. Glycerol is sweet-tasting and of low toxicity.
Taken from WIKIPEDIA
Taken from WIKIPEDIA
Minggu, 13 Desember 2009
Biore - Deep Clean Action


Ingredients : Water, Glycerin, Sorbitol, Stearic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Dipropylene Glycol, Behenic Acid, Ethoxydiglycol, Myristic Acid, Potassium Hydroxide, Lauric Acid, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Cellulose, Magnesium Potassium Fluorosilicate, Sodium MA/Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer, Fragrance, Disodium EDTA,
Palmitic Acid,
Stearic Acid,
Selasa, 22 Juli 2008
Stearyl alcohol
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stearyl alcohol (also known as octadecyl alcohol or 1-octadecanol) is a substance prepared from stearic acid by the process of catalytic hydrogenation. It is a fatty alcohol. It takes the form of white solid granules or flakes which are insoluble in water, with a melting point of 61°C and boiling point of 210°C (at 15 mmHg). It has a wide range of uses as an ingredient in lubricants, resins, perfumes and cosmetics. It is used as an emollient, emulsifier, and thickener in ointments of various sorts, and is widely used as a hair coating in shampoos and hair conditioners. Octadecyl alcohol is even used as a liquid solar blanket in swimming pools by forming a molecule thick layer on the surface of the water and slowing the evaporation rate of the pool water.
Its chemical formula is CH3(CH2)17OH.
Stearyl alcohol (also known as octadecyl alcohol or 1-octadecanol) is a substance prepared from stearic acid by the process of catalytic hydrogenation. It is a fatty alcohol. It takes the form of white solid granules or flakes which are insoluble in water, with a melting point of 61°C and boiling point of 210°C (at 15 mmHg). It has a wide range of uses as an ingredient in lubricants, resins, perfumes and cosmetics. It is used as an emollient, emulsifier, and thickener in ointments of various sorts, and is widely used as a hair coating in shampoos and hair conditioners. Octadecyl alcohol is even used as a liquid solar blanket in swimming pools by forming a molecule thick layer on the surface of the water and slowing the evaporation rate of the pool water.
Its chemical formula is CH3(CH2)17OH.
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